Our Values
Foundational beliefs guiding our psychotherapy practice
Our values help us make decisions about our therapy practice and operations. We believe therapy services should be:
Mental health professionals must be flexible with scheduling, availability, and costs.
We are not in this business for excessive profit. We know profit ultimately comes at the expense of those we are trying to help.
We strive to meet each client where they are in life, and to help them work with what they have.
We aim to combine our expertise with yours through a process of open communication and reciprocal feedback throughout your therapy experience.
We are here to help without judgment or encroachment on your way of life.
Culturally Responsive
Our intersecting identities and the impacts they have on how we engage with our clients are important and relevant.
We continue to educate ourselves, which involves regular and ongoing contact with diverse perspectives, experts, professional development, and literature.
Being culturally responsive also means humble openness to feedback from our clients about how these dynamics impact our services.
For more on this please see our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement.
We are transparent where possible, fiercely protective of our client’s confidentiality, and committed to routine systems of auditing and updating our services based on the most proven theories and practices in our field.
All clinicians at Breakwater are expected to ground their clinical practice in theories and skills that have been vetted as empirically and pragmatically sound.
Accountability also involves offering opportunities for clients to give us feedback about their experiences and to determine when services have reached an appropriate end.
Services should stem from real relationships. We approach our work as humans first and foremost, and see our clients as complex, valid people.
We facilitate sessions with humility and authenticity, willing and able to bring our real personalities, reactions, and professionally honed perspectives.
At the end of the day, we are here to help you. That means all of our interactions ultimately center around defining, pursuing, and resolving your therapeutic objectives.